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What is your favorite spring blooming tree?
Webinar Series – The Canopy: Community Forestry and Arboriculture News, Science, Talk, April 1,2015
Name This Tree
Vern Wilkins, Indiana University,
This tree is not usually thought of as an ornamental, although it’s bark has an interesting interwoven texture with a bright red-orange hue. It’s form is almost always non-linear which makes one wonder how Native Americans made bows from it. It is dioecious and produces softball sized green-yellow fruits that have a strong citrus smell. Some say that if you cut the fruit in half and place it at the corners of the house, it might repel insects. The tree was a favorite of Thomas Jefferson and Lewis and Clark distributed it across the West; thereafter, it was important in fencing the Western landscape because of its durable wood. The tree is naturalized throughout the United States. What is it?
Good article on incorporating natural habitat into urban tree plantings
March 14, 2015 11:00 pm • By GRAHAM HERBST / Nebraska Forest Service
Urban Trees Face “Survivor” Style Challenges
Urban trees are taken away from their usual circumstances and placed in an unfamiliar and challenging environment. Recent studies have been undertaken with the hope that understanding that disparity and incorporating as much of their natural habitat as possible in this new environment might help muncipalities more successfully integrate trees into heavily populated areas.
Pruning Young Trees
Proper pruning starting when trees are young is essential in developing a strong tree with desirable form. Start pruning a young tree after the first one or two growing seasons after it has adjusted to its landscape. Pruning young trees should focus on the 5 essential steps to structural pruning: (1) clean dead branches, (2) establish a central leader, (3) establish lowest permanent branches, (4) establish scaffold branches, and (5) establish temporary branches to help create stem taper (which will make the tree stronger. A tree that has been planted in an appropriate location and pruned starting at a young age will result in a healthier mature tree that is less expensive to maintain.
Tree Campus USA
2015 BioBlitz Agendas Now Available
2015 Mississippi BioBlitz dates are set:
During a BioBlitz, students, teachers, residents, and scientists work together to identify as many species as they can. A BioBlitz provides a picture of the amount of biodiversity in a place and sparks interest in ecology and living things. The Mississippi BioBlitz is fun for the whole family!
Jackson – Saturday, April 11 at the Museum of Natural Sciences. Enjoy a full day of NatureFest and BioBlitz activities starting at 10 am. Admission: Adults $6, Children ages 3-18 $4.
Tupelo – Saturday, April 18 at the Natchez Trace Visitors Center in coordination with the beginning of National Parks Week and Wildlife Weekend. Free.
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