This workshop is for forest landowners who want to learn the basics of wildlife habitat management – and a BIG bonus – the latest in wild hog control techniques. Click on this LINK for the brochure and registration form.
This workshop is for forest landowners who want to learn the basics of wildlife habitat management – and a BIG bonus – the latest in wild hog control techniques. Click on this LINK for the brochure and registration form.
NOTE: November 18th is the correct date for the Starkville event!
Want your cake and eat it too? How about then, want your timber and wildlife too? If that’s the case, then sign up for this workshop on the basics of how to do it! Check the brochure at this LINK.
If you are a forest landowner with ash trees, you will want to sign up for this short course. Why? – because the emerald ash borer (EAB) and invasive insect that targets ash trees, now surrounds Mississippi. Get the details at this LINK.
Find out many possible sources of income from your forest land in addition to the timber itself. Check some of them out on the brochure at this LINK
Come — you will enjoy!
Learn the best management options for “hedging your bets” against extreme weather events affecting your forest land based on its current status (location, size, age, etc.) See the brochure at this LINK for details.
There can be many different kinds of concerns and issues when considering the succession of our woodland properties to our heirs – no matter how much or little of it we have. This short course will help guide you through addressing communication,
emotional and legal aspects of the process. For details follow this LINK.
A great workshop to sign up for – particularly if you are interested in learning how to use Google Earth to develop maps. You will be able to create a detailed map of your property. You will also learn the many reasons it is a good practice, and in some cases a necessity to have a management plan for your forested property. Check out the details at this LINK!
SAVE the DATE: August 19th- Forestry Short Course: Introduction to Woodland Management. Learn basics to best of managing forested land for income and resources. If you are not on our Ag & Natural Resources newsletter list, inbox a mailing address to receive updates.
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