This short course should be another “must” on your list to attend. It will cover both mechanical and chemical site preparation for bottomland hardwoods; natural and artificial regeneration; mixed species considerations for plantings and well as wildlife considerations. It will include travel to field sites. For brochure and registration form, click on this LINK.
SHORT COURSE: Proactive Emerald Ash Borer Management: Maintaining Desirable Forest Landscapes; 6-16-2017; Kosciusko, MS
If you own or manage ash trees, you should most definitely be interested in attending this course. The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive insect that targets ash trees, and now surrounds Mississippi. You will learn about detection & risk; alternative species and regeneration options; strategies before and after EAB; and the market outlook for ash timber. For more details and registration form, click on this LINK.
SHORT COURSE: Management of Hardwood Plantations; Grenada, MS; 6/6-7/2017
This short course is for both forestry professionals and forest landowners and is packed with a lot of practical, usable information on multiple use management, managing CRP plantations and complying with regulations, thinning, herbicides, and timber stand improvement. Always a great course. Click on this LINK for details and registration form.
UPDATE: Field Tour – Hardwood Management, April 15, 2014, Yazoo County
This is being updated because the link to the brochure was not working when it was originally posted.
Should be a good time of the year for this one – check out the brochure for the details! The tour is free, and is designed for landowners who are interested in learning about hardwood management
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